
A Sound Strategy Can Help You Win in the Game of Love

In finding just the right lady, strategy is an all-important factor. There is a successful methodology when it comes to finding, wooing and winning a lady’s affection. In brief, one can divide the basic process into stages:

- Self-identify the type of lady you are interested in meeting and marrying
- Form criteria from your thoughts and feelings to use when determining whether
a lady is potentially right for you
- Use the web site Search Engine or Matchmaking Service such as that located at
www.heavenlyhearts.net to accrue those ladies’ profiles that match your Search
- Determine from the profiles accrued via your site search whether you feel a
particular lady meets your overall criteria and interest.
- Start getting to know a lady by communicating with her
- Meet one another in order to determine if the relationship can deepen and become
more personal
It is always better to try and get to know at least 10 – 15 ladies at a time. Restricting yourself to one or two ladies, for whatever reason, only limits your chances of finding the best lady for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with ‘Shopping around’ in a serious and sincere way. You have to find that ‘spark’ in someone in order to make a relationship work and finding it could take a lot of looking. If that spark is not there, no amount of wanting and wishing will create it for you. In such a circumstance the best thing for all concerned is for both people to politely say thanks, but no thanks and move on. One thing is for sure - you will only ever really know if that spark exists if you meet the lady in person.

Ladies want to get to know a man – really get to know a man - in whom they have interest and the best way for them to do this is by getting together. Communicating through written correspondence is fine, but it definitely has its limitations.



1) Men need to be pro-active when it comes arranging a first-time get-together. Ladies will generally not be in a position to travel for a multitude of reasons. Also, taking the initiative to visit a lady (or ladies) shows her (them) that you are serious in your actions, dedicated in your pursuit and honest in your intentions. Ladies like to welcome a man into their country and home. Familiarizing yourself with a lady’s country and culture helps to give added insight into what makes the lady tick. Such knowledge and experience can be invaluable. It also shows her that you are prepared to make an effort on her behalf. This counts for a great deal when it comes to a lady’s estimation of a man.

2) Something to be aware of is that the majority of ladies are now generally averse to undertaking written correspond for lengthy periods. Due to the fact that a large number of men have written to ladies in the past, misled them and then ‘disappeared’, ladies do not want to waste further time, money and effort on these ‘jokers’ (men who aren’t at all serious, but who just want to write to a lady as a lark or for a reason other than establishing a serious relationship). Ladies just aren’t interested in this kind of insincerity or game-playing. Ladies are serious about finding a good and dedicated man or they wouldn’t be on our web site.

3) Contrary to widespread belief, the majority of ladies in Eastern Europe don’t have a personal/home computer. Most have jobs that require them to work long hours and, coupled with other personal commitments, they essentially don’t have the time or the wherewithal to gain access to a computer or the internet so as to write letters on a frequent basis. Being able to meet a man personally gives them the direct opportunity of seeing whether there is compatibility without having to write extensive letters, not to mention find a way to send and receive them.

4) Competition for ladies is fierce. Usually the man that gets there first or fastest stands a much better chance of winning her affection and establishing commitment. ‘The race goes to the swiftest’ is an adage worth remembering

Having said all of this, the point essentially being made is that there is a definite need to consider visiting a lady so as to be in a position to develop an already burgeoning relationship face-to-face or consolidate on one that has already been established. The worst thing that can happen is to let a golden opportunity pass by. It is understandable that it is not always possible for a man to visit a lady due to personal commitments, but it is in your best interest to do everything possible to seize that opportunity and get over there as soon as you can. Also, look towards meeting several ladies, not just a couple. The added option of being introduced to new ladies whilst you are over there (i.e. ladies with whom you have not communicated before) is an excellent way to economize on writing time and get straight to the heart of things. Many clients have found their Special Lady though organized personal get-togethers as well as through meeting where the couple has established prior communication. Getting over there means getting together and getting together is the only way that you will really know for sure that a certain lady is the right one for you.